About CCED
CCED is a GIS database defining easements and deed-based restrictions on private land. These restrictions limit land uses to those compatible with maintaining it as open space. Lands under easement may be actively farmed, grazed, forested, or held as nature reserves. Easements are typically held on private lands with no public access.
CCED represents California in the National Conservation Easement Database (opens in new window) (NCED), a national inventory of lands conserved as easements. NCED is managed by a consortium of non-governmental organizations including: Ducks Unlimited, the Trust for Public Land, Defenders of Wildlife, Conservation Biology Institute, and NatureServe.

CCED Includes Easements Held By:
- Land trusts and nonprofit organizations
- Local jurisdictions (city and county)
- State and national governmental agencies
CCED Does Not Include or Address:
- Information on private land owners (name, address, etc)
- Temporary easements (less than 10 years)
- Which portions of a property are subject to the easement
CCED Documentation
User Manual – Download the CCED User Manual
Easement Data Policy – Read The Report
CCED Structure
Easement data is currently collected from agencies and organizations with little to no modifications or corrections. The records in the database are meant to reflect the generalized easement location and size. The accuracy of each easement boundary varies greatly.
The database structure of CCED is a mirror of the NCED schema (opens in new window) . This allows for more seamless integration of the California data into the national database.